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Save the heart of the Amazon. The Indigenous Munduruku people have been fighting for the right to protect their traditional lands in the Amazon for decades - and this month. The Brazilian government could finally decide their case. If the Munduruku win, they will be able to protect. The heart of the Amazon from a series of monster dams that would otherwise flood the area - destroying ancestral lands and rare wildlife.
Save the heart of the Amazon. The heart of the Amazon rainforest is under threat. A series of new mega-dams could flood an entire area around the Tapajós river and beyond, destroying the home of Indigenous People and rare wildlife. Will you stand with the Munduruku? Stand with the Munduruku. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Destructive energy is not clean energy.
Congo, Democratic Republic of the. Congo, Republic of the. Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.
Salve o Coração da Amazônia. Acabou, no dia 28 de novembro de 2016, o prazo administrativo para a decisão sobre a demarcação da Terra Indígena Sawré Muybu, do povo Munduruku, que é fundamental para assegurar a proteção do coração da Amazônia. Porém, até o momento, o Ministério da Justiça ainda não se pronunciou a respeito. Junte-se aos Munduruku na Luta Pela Proteção do Tapajós. Este campo é para fins de validação e deve ter sua esquerda inalterada. Um outro caminho é possível.
Save the Heart of the Amazon. Stand with the Munduruku People to save the heart of the Amazon. Want to receive the most important and urgent alerts to your phone? Just enter your mobile number. Destructive Energy Is Not Clean Energy.
Schütze das Herz des Amazonas. Das Herz des Amazonas ist bedroht. Ein neues Staudamm-Projekt mit über 40 Dämmen könnte große Teile um den Tapajós-Fluss fluten und dabei die Heimat der indigenen Völker und seltener Tierarten zerstören. Wirst du die Munduruku unterstützen? Stehe hinter den Munduruku, um ihre Heimat, den Amazonas-Regenwald, zu schützen! Kongo, Demokratische Republik des.
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Save the heart of the Amazon. The heart of the Amazon rainforest is at risk. If thousands of us around the world take a stand with the Munduruku, we can send a clear message - the Brazilian government must protect the heart of the Amazon.
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The heart of the Amazon rainforest is under threat. A huge new mega-dam could flood an entire area around the Tapajos river, destroying the home of Indigenous People and rare wildlife. If thousands of people from countries around the globe take a stand with the Munduruku, we can build a human chain around their territory to send a strong message to the Brazilian government to protect the heart of the Amazon. Will you stand with the Munduruku? .
هواداران ایده پادشاهی برای مشروع جلوه. بهتر آن است که اوب.
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The heart of the Amazon rainforest is under threat. A huge new mega-dam could flood an entire area around the Tapajos river, destroying the home of Indigenous People and rare wildlife. If thousands of people from countries around the globe take a stand with the Munduruku, we can build a human chain around their territory to send a strong message to the Brazilian government to protect the heart of the Amazon. Will you stand with the Munduruku? .
You can install Contact Form 7 Plugin and use shortcode to set up contact form. Siła złotego podziału w tworzeniu harmonii leży w jego unikalnej zdolności do łączenia różnych części całości w taki sposób że każda z nich zachowuje własny charakter, a jednocześnie wtapia się w szerszy kontekst pojedynczej całości. To piękno i funkcjonalność - dobre samopoczucie w odpowiednio zaaranżowanej przestrzeni - GOOD LIFE.
Il cuore della Foresta Amazzonica e gli indigeni Munduruku sono minacciati da dozzine di progetti per la costruzione di dighe idroelettriche. La foresta che ricopre la valle del fiume Tapajós rischia di essere distrutta.